
Our Story

Chief Resources was established in 2014 as a diverse and multi-cultural commodity trading & mining company. It is situated in Johannesburg, South Africa, and manages the African portfolio. Chief Resources Hong Kong Limited is the holding company of the group based in Hong Kong. The Company primarily focuses on mined ore and processed commodities for our vast global market sector.

The Company generates 60 % of its revenue by trading its own mined and beneficiated products. The largest market demand for the Company is in China, Europe, India, South Korea, Japan, United States of America. Further expanding and developing our market portfolio in other growing jurisdictions.

Our Aim

The Company's long-term strategic aim is to list high-value mining assets on the stock exchange in the next fifteen years. The Company's financial objective is to increase revenue by 20 % and decrease trading and mining expenses by at least 12 % annually. The goal is to achieve a net profit with a 15 % increase annually.

Chief Resources strives on professionalism, with honest and transparent business values to all stakeholders in the industry worldwide. We anchor our business beliefs in loyalty and honouring commitments.

Donovan Clifford

The vision of the Company is to generate the best mining and trading structures with partners that obtains good business ethics and values. Accessing various niche mining & trading opportunities in the global commodity market, which present an opportunity for an attractive investment return to all stakeholders.

Chi Zhang

Our focus is to develop industry within Africa, and uplift local skills, knowledge and experience in the trading and mining industry.

Board of Directors

Our Values

Chief Resources values are set out to all employees to live by on a day-to-day basis:

Integrity & Ethics

We treat all stakeholders in an honest, fair, and responsible way.


We condemn all forms of discrimination.


We are encouraged to be dynamic and innovative to offer a better service.


Creating a platform for all employees to develop new skills and industry knowledge.


Stakeholders' relationship, Communication transparency, Policy & procedures, Insider trading, Anti-corruption, Product safety & product quality.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Chief Resources play an important role in contributing to the social and economic prosperity of the communities in which we operate and are committed to making a positive impact from our operations.

Chief Resources recognize by delivering on its commitment is fundamental to our long-term success and to creating shared value in our communities. Our community engagement activities are underpinned by a Community and Stakeholder Relations policy.

This policy outlines our commitment to building mutually beneficial relationships based on trust and respect through active engagement and two-way communication. This dialogue enables us to engage with the community about how they can participate in project activities, through employment, education, training, or business development initiatives, while also allowing them to raise issues and concerns.

To support our commitment, Chief Resources ensures any stakeholder concerns are addressed in a transparent, fair, and timely manner.

As a global company, we are committed to being a good neighbour and helping out our local community where we can. This commitment sees us play an active role, not only financially through community investment activities, but also in-kind contributions by providing access to equipment and resources that are not always readily available in remote communities.